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10.30am, 12.30pm

MiniBeats: Super Strings!


From £9

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Limited availability

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Limited availability

A 9% booking fee applies online and over the phone. A £2.50 postage fee is charged where applicable.

A BSL Interpreter will be signing at both performances
Event takes place on the floor of the auditorium with limited tickets available.
Running time: 45 minutes

Join Presenter Laura Tanner and our fantastic MiniBeats string players (2 violins, viola and cello) for a fun and interactive introduction to the sensational sound of string instruments!

After each show, we invite you to get creative over in the Glass Studio (Robyn is not able to be with us this time but the craft tables will still be out!)

MiniBeats in association with the Bristol Ensemble
Tickets: £9 (children & adults); 4-for-3 family ticket available

10.30am show Concert most suitable for under 5s
12.30pm show Concert most suitable for 4 – 8 year olds

Ages are guidelines only; both concerts are relaxed performances where everyone is welcome!

MiniMakers crafting sessions
Times: after each MiniBeats show
FREE to MiniBeats ticket holders!